Day and Night at Greenleaf

05/20/2005: Helicopter from JBI Helicopter Services bringing supplies to the AMC’s Greenleaf Hut on Mount Lafayette in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire. Photo Details: Nikon D70 w/ 70-200mm f/2.8 VR AF-S lens @ 200mm, 1/1000s @ f/5.6 and ISO 200. 05/20/2005: Night at the AMC’s Greenleaf Hut on Mount Lafayette in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire. Photo…


El Cap Meadow

Taken on a moonlit night on October 14, 2005 in Yosemite National Park, California. Friends of mine relaxing in El Cap Meadow below El Capitan after a day of climbing. Photo Details: Nikon D2X on tripod w/ 10.5mm DX lens, ~ 2 minutes at f/2.8 and ISO 200.


Summit At Night

Summit of Mount Washington on a moonlit night, showing the summit sign and Mount Washington Observatory tower. February 2004. Photo Details: Nikon film SLR and Fuji slide film using a tripod and exposure of around 20 (?) minutes.